I don’t know Mark Baker, but I have met someone who does. I am saddened that our government is sticking it to the small farmer. I don’t know if they are working with Big Pork to eliminate competition from small farms who are able to fill a niche market, but no matter what the letter of declaration describing the types of pigs that are considered feral would encompass almost all types of pigs. I would however guess that it was written so that pork grown at large industrial feed lots are exempt. I don’t think, at least I hope that those at the Michigan DNR who are enforcing this are bad people or acting maliciously, but whoever approved this prohibition is either in cahoots with Big Pork or is poorly advised. As someone who would like to have a small hobby farm, and be able to raise my own food ethically and maybe sell surplus to friends and family I hope the Bakers win this fight. You can look around their website, bakersgreenacres.com and learn more. After watching many of their videos and reading more, it sounds like the Michigan DNR is trying to drag this out and delay a court hearing as long as possible so that Baker’s Green Acres will run out of money. Please check them out and consider supporting them.